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Chakras: All

Benefits: Brings about balance & grounding

Aids in acceptance of one’s self

Builds self confidence

Improves concentration, perception,

& analytical abilities.

Can stimulate memories

Helps overcome anger of the heart

Fosters love and courage to start again.

Crazy Lace Agate Stone: Overcoming Anger, Confidence, Concentration

  • Here's our favorite items to balance the Throat Chakra 💙

    ~Location: center of the neck

    ~Color: BLUE

    ~communication, self-expression, purpose

    ~Balanced: truthful, listening, expression

    ~Unbalanced: withdrawn, arrogant, lying

    ~Crystals: Lapis, Turquoise, Sodalite, Angelite

    ~Affirmation: "I live authentically"

    Element: Sound

  • Here's our favorite stones for balancing the Third Eye Chakra. 

    ~Location: Between Brows

    ~Color: Indigo

    ~Intuition, perception, vision, insight, imagination

    ~Balanced: flow of life, joy, adaptability, wisdom

    ~Unbalanced: fear, judgmental, confusion, indecision

    ~Crystals: Amethyst, Lapis, Lepidolite, Fluorite

    ~Affirmation: "I trust my gut"

    Element: Light

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